Improve your bottom line and show your employees you care
Improve your bottom line and show your employees you care

Improve your bottom line and show your employees you care

Increase productivity, lower absenteeism and engage your people with a holistic approach to employee wellness.

Employee populations are evolving. Individuals need on-demand, personalized information, and simplified experiences. That’s what our digital health solutions deliver.

New Ocean’s solutions drive positive health outcomes at a fraction of the cost of other solutions, so you can be sure you’re getting the most out of your employees and your health management solution.

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Why It Works

  • Bar graph showing downward arrows

    Reduced Cost and Claims

    Delivering value and ROI that moves the needle for employees and the business

  • drawing of people with quote bubbles above their head indicating engagement

    Engagement and Productivity

    Platforms and content driven by behavioral science that are proven to drive results

  • drawing of hands around a heart symbol

    Holistic Health Management

    Dedicated content to address physical, emotional, and practical well-being

  • bar graph with arrows going upward

    Scalable Solutions

    A solution that can grow and adapt along with your employee population

See how we can deliver for you

See how we can deliver for you

user types on keyboard, shows login screen

The Bridge (PaaS) Platform

The New Ocean Bridge is the unique and customizable platform that allows organizations to enhance their existing platforms with our functionality through our open APIs. It also gives us the capability to integrate our proprietary content with any third-party data from the various parts of the healthcare ecosystem.

legs of person standing on a scale

Predictive Analytics

Analyzing big data within a simplified analytics environment provides reliable insight into both the current health and the predicted risks within your population. New Ocean will work with you to uncover actionable insights from your data to inform strategies that will reduce costs and risks.

woman smiles at a business meeting

Measuring Success

Our work doesn’t end when we implement a new solution and workplace wellness programs for your people. We’ll work with you to measure engagement, participation levels and program trends. Together, we’ll continuously look for opportunities to improve what you’re offering and make sure you’re achieving your benchmarks for success.

  • See the benefits for your entire company

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